Try 15 days of yoga and online support for free!



Clase de Yoga suelta

Regala una clase presencial de yoga en nuestro centro en Mamayoga, situado en Gràcia (Barcelona).

You will receive a gift voucher, which the person can redeem to come to a pregnancy or postpartum class at the time and date they want.

It is valid for six months.


Date fully open!

– Compra el vale ahora, y la persona que lo reciba podrá venir a la clase de yoga embarazo o posparto que desee, simplemente haciendonoslo saber por email para que reservemos su plaza.

Clases de yoga embarazo, posparto, fitness…

– Sea cual sea la etapa en la que está, podrá disfrutar de una clase adaptada a ella. Y si nunca a hecho yoga, no te preocupes, nuestras clases son sencillas y están muy focalizadas en el bienestar de la mujer.

¿Cómo podrás regalar la clase?

– Te mandamos un vale regalo al email para que puedas dárselo a la persona y que lo utilice cuando quiera.


We are very sorry to see you leave the tribe... Thank you for sharing this journey with us!

By clicking on the following button you will access your subscriptions section where you will see a table with information about your subscriptions.

To cancel, click on the "View" button to the right of the table and then on the "Cancel" option.

And if you go to the accompaniment fee?

We will continue by your side for €24.90/month

If you cancel, you will lose your access to all our services, but we have been together for a long time and we want to continue by your side with our accompaniment fee, exclusively for female students.

We will continue by your side for €24.90/month


Click on one of our members to chat on WhatsApp or contact with us.

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