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The importance of the community in parenting: support groups for mothers

support groups during parenting

They say that "When a baby is born a mother is also born”, and like any beginning you may feel a little lost or without resources. Today from mamayoga we explain the importance of the community during upbringing and we introduce you Support groups for mothers.


Parenting accompanied or in the community is one of the best resources a mother can have. We are not talking about any trend that came out of the hippism of the sixties, but about the ability that we women have to weave networks of mutual support among ourselves.

being a mother your environment will change. The most immediate, your partner and the new family nucleus will revolve around the newcomer. Small frictions with the rest of your family and close friends may appear, either because they focus too much on the baby and you need more spaces of silence and disappear, or because they do not understand your way of handling motherhood.

Besides you will experience changes in your social groups, since society is not very “mothers-friendly" either "children-friendly”. It seems as if on the contrary, that your real motherhood, with everything that happens in it, was something to hide. No one wants you to tell them if your cesarean scar hurts or if you've spent the whole morning crying because you couldn't go to the bathroom without the baby crying a lot. Society wants your perfect smile, that you say that everything is wonderful and to be able to hold your baby in your arms for a while.

This search or demand for perfection is not real and takes you away from your motherhood.

So those supports with which you counted to explain everything, friends, relatives, relatives will be situated differently in this new family configuration and you still don't have anyone to talk to from mother to mother.

support groups for mothers

raise in solitude

With all this, one of the emotions that being a mother goes through is a feeling of loneliness. Of being alone with your creature an infinity of time. Although your partner is there and you have their support, as well as that of your family and close environment, you feel alone. You can feel the weight of motherhood fall on your shoulders and even some misunderstanding of others.

Crying, doubts, sleepless nights make you feel a little overwhelmed.

Alone inside but that is very surrounded, since perhaps you will begin to receive from all over the world a series of “unsolicited advice” how to mother for you. What if the baby or the baby eats a lot or little, if you don't hold him so much in your arms that you are spoiling him, if better to give him the baby. A thousand and one tips for calling them kindly that bombard you day in and day out. They are never mean-spirited, but they make you question yourself and not trust your decisions. 

You need to be listened to without judging and share with women who are going through similar experiences right now.

support groups for mothers

Accompaniment or parenting groups They are spaces where mothers come together to talk about everything related to motherhood. We share experiences, advice and support. Although we focus them on parenting, They will serve you both during pregnancy and postpartum.

In groups, we create a cozy space where you can talk about any subject without fear of being judged and without hiding. All issues are discussed without reservations or taboos. You will realize that you are not the only one who is going through new, strange or uncomfortable situations. Lack of intimacy with the partner, difficulties in breastfeeding, sleep and rhythms, how to protect our newborns, to mention some of the topics we talk about.

Each woman contributes either her experience, her words of support or her smile. We are all in the same boat.

Don't let the emotional journey of pregnancy, postpartum and motherhood overwhelm you. In parenting groups there is a time for talk about how you feel. Expressing it in the company of women who also maternity will help you, you will be able to share it, feel supported and give your opinion without judgment.

Besides you will feel accompanied by professionals so you can solve more technical questions. At Mamayoga we have the support of lactation consultants, doulas, infant sleep specialists, pelvic floor physiotherapists, etc. who come to the parenting groups in Barcelona to deal with specific topics.

Parenting groups are an invaluable tool for connecting with other mothers, weave new networks, share experiences and support each other on this journey of motherhood.

Silvia Gallego

Author and editor, prenatal yoga teacher

support groups during parenting

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