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Postpartum yoga: how to resume the practice after giving birth

postpartum or prenatal yoga

In the last weeks before the arrival of the baby, you want to get everything ready so that there are no surprises (which there will be...), which is why many of you ask us how and when you can start practicing yoga again. From mamayoga we explain how to resume the practice after giving birth, within postpartum yoga.

the quarantine

The immediate postpartum period, the hours and days that follow the birth of the baby, will be marked by the so-called quarantine. For more or less 40 days you will have bleeding, cramps and various physical and hormonal changes. Your body is recovering from the marathon of pregnancy and childbirth. If you have given birth vaginally or by caesarean section, it is important that you respect this recovery period.

Most likely, during this period you will not feel energized at all. Adaptation to breastfeeding, sleepless nights, laughter, crying. Everything will change and your energy will be deep inside and your attention will be all towards the baby.

those days you can use the breaths, meditations or chanting of mantras What have you learned during the prenatal yoga, to dedicate a few minutes to you, to your care. Also do gentle stretches and become aware of how your body is adapting to his new state.

You can also start serving the accompaniment groups on-line from the tranquility of your home and without leaving the baby, the baby. Sharing with other mothers, feeling the shelter and support of the tribe They will help you through the densest moments of the beginning of motherhood.

Quarantine is the mark of time on which you can guide yourself to start with the most complete postpartum yoga classes. Furthermore, the cesarean section, as it is a major operation on the body, will require a little more than these 40 days, its recovery and healing period will be about two months.

postpartum yoga

The beginning of the practice

There is a newcomer to the family, you are getting to know each other and in every relationship there will be ups and downs. Some of you will understand each other instantly, although there are times when you will feel overwhelmed. Do not beat yourself up to seek perfection, adapt to the change of life in all aspects that lie ahead. Every baby is a world, learn to listen and love the being you have in your arms.

After the quarantine you will feel encouraged and strong to start your practice. It is a progress of listening to your body and adaptation to your needs and those of the creature.

Starting your yoga practice, finding a time a week that is for you, will be an important milestone for your health and care. There will be days that you can practice 5 minutes, another 20, another 1 hour. Time is not the goal, it is perseverance and reminding yourself that you are the protagonist of this story.

If you are fine they will be fine” – Agate Subirats

Postpartum yoga, yoga with baby

The baby, the baby will find in you the refuge, the security, the familiar smell and sound. She's been feeling you all pregnancy and you're as much a part of her world as the creature itself. It doesn't really distinguish between you and him or her. That will make you not want to take off from each other.

For this reason postpartum yoga is yoga shared with the baby, the baby. You do yoga with the advantage that there is no separation.

It is a practice adapted to your vital moment shared with other mothers in your same state. Adequate exercises and accompaniment at all times. There are pauses, there are laughs, there are moments to breastfeed and also miraculous silences in which you find yourself.

women practicing yoga after childbirth

don't forget about you

Don't forget about yourself, it's not a joke, no, don't forget about yourself. The baby, the baby is going to be very demanding in the first months and years of her life. And although the instinct of care, protection and support has awakened in you, there is another BEING to whom you must pay the same care and attention. Yes, it's about you, don't forget about you.

Set aside time each day to sit quietly Not even 2 minutes to ask yourself: How are you? How do you feel? A time and space dedicated to listening to yourself and seeing what needs require a response, even if you cannot solve anything, listening to yourself is the first step to understanding your state and how situations affect you.

Ask for help when you need it, do not become a Superwoman overwhelmed by circumstances. Love yourself, listen to yourself, share and let yourself be supported by your tribe when you need it.

One way to start taking care of yourself is start your yoga practices. Regularity, returning to a known activity, recognizing your body and mind at this time. Start small, but start, your soul will thank you.

Postpartum Yoga: Physical Recovery

Besides Postpartum yoga will be a good tool for the physical recovery of your body and your pelvic floor. The latter will require care and attention after nine months of pregnancy with the change in weight and positioning of your pelvis, plus childbirth with possible madness and uncontrolled pushing.

remember the three things that shouldn't happen and which are reasons to go for a good pelvic floor check after childbirth:

  • There should be no urine leakage.
  • There should be no pain on penetration when you resume sexual intercourse.
  • There should be no vaginal farts (that air in your vagina that comes out in the form of farts when doing certain positions or movements).

If any of the three or all three happens to you, We recommend a good pelvic floor review with exercises that suit your needs. This added to the postpartum classes will improve your quality of life not only now but also in the future.

Physical recovery is going to happen without you realizing it. Don't beat yourself up to do crunches. The important thing is that in this new vital situation in which you are, you take care of yourself. Every minute counts, every breath you dedicate to you, and don't worry about those classes you haven't done anything and the baby has spent the whole class on the breast or crying desperately, better ones will come, every day is a new adventure on your way to motherhood.

From mamayoga We will be happy to accompany you to resume your practice after the birth of the baby.

Silvia Gallego

Author and editor, prenatal yoga teacher

postpartum or prenatal yoga

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